What's the best college for you?
Hey everyone! There's a lot that goes into choosing the best college for you, so today I'll be discussing three major points you should focus on when it comes to narrowing down your decision. 1. Tuition, Financial Aid, and Scholarships . How much you'll be spending at a college truly affects your likelihood of attending. If University A is offering you a free ride, it will probably be hard to resist! Look into what kind of financial aid and scholarships you qualify for at each college you're considering. It really helps narrow down your options. 2. Distance . This ties into the costs of college, but it's something you really ought to consider. Do you want to move far, far away from home, or do you want to stay in the area? When I was in high school, I really wanted to move across the country to attend a certain college that specialized in the major I started out as... but now that I'm still living at home and commuting because its the most cost-effec...