Hi everyone!

  My name is Genevieve Savoie, but most everyone calls me Evy ("ee-vee"). I'm a sophomore here at South and I'm majoring in English with a minor in Geology. I'm excited to be starting here at the JagGuide community!

  I've lived on the coast basically all of my life, but I was born in Houma, Louisiana! I grew up in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, and that's where I live to this day. I'm turning 21 here in less than a week (on USA Day)! One day I hope to tear myself away from the beach and live in the mountains, at least for a little while. There's not a lot of diverse geology down here, unfortunately, unless you're really interested in sediments. I'm not sure where my career is heading now, but my dream job since elementary school was to be a volcanologist/mineralogist! I wouldn't mind being a literature professor, though. :)

  I'm a pretty relaxed person with a lot of varying interests. I love literature-- hence the English major-- and could write pages upon pages about my favorite books, especially my all-time favorite The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux. I spend a lot of time online, blogging and tweeting in my spare time. I also really enjoy video games, and though I find I don't have enough time to play them much anymore, I still like to talk about them. Some of my favorite games series are Metal Gear Solid, MOTHER, and Pokemon. I never considered myself much of a collector, but I've been collecting rocks and minerals since I was seven years old-- I've garnered a pretty nice collection over the years as a result. I have no room to display them all!

  All in all, I can't wait to get started here. Thanks for tuning in!

  Until next time...
  Evy Savoie


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