How do you know what school is right for you?

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 Hey everybody!

  As your spring semesters draw to a close and you look forward to summer, you might be wondering how to know for sure that the school you've chosen is the right one for you. Truthfully, the only way to really know is to go there... but there are some hints you can watch out for that will ultimately inform your decision.

  I've said before that one of the main things that sold me on South was the fact that I took a campus tour. In the moment, taking campus tours seemed more like a nuisance than anything else, but in retrospect I can see how much the campus tours I took at various colleges influenced my decision. South was the first school I toured, and I was blown away by the beauty of the campus and the gentle, down-to-earth nature of the staff I met. It was a quiet, tranquil campus to me, especially in comparison to some of the bigger colleges I visited, and I found myself thinking, "You know, I think I could live here."

  I just didn't have that spark at the other colleges I toured, and it wasn't because the tours weren't just as enjoyable or informative-- they were! But something about South said "home" to me. Even now, I don't really know how to describe it, but after that campus tour I took, I just kept gravitating back here.

  Freshman year is probably gonna throw a lot at you; I know it did for me. But now that I'm confident in my field of choice and my once-shaky future, I've been able to settle down, and South really does feel like a home to me, even if I don't live here!

  So my advice to you beyond taking a campus tour is this: listen to your gut. You may feel the need to go to a certain university to please others or maintain a certain image, but I think, given the opportunity, you can find a place that you really love... a place that feels like home.

Until next time...
Evy Savoie☆ 


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