The greatest thing about South...

  What is it that I'm most grateful for that South offers me? I think it would have to be our pool of professors. Before I came to college, my impressions of the "college professor" weren't pretty. I assumed based on stories that I'd heard that my professors would be cold and uncaring, that their one class was the most important thing on this earth above all else.

  But in my experience here at South, that has been the furthest thing from the truth. My professors generally have been extremely kind and caring to us students, as well as passionate about the work that they do. They want their students to succeed and flourish in their fields. Of course, there will always be outliers in this regard, but they are the exception, not the rule.

  That, I think, is one of the most valuable experiences that South offers. A caring hand is what cultivates growth, and South is full of cultivators.

Until next time...
Evy Savoie☆ 


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