The recipe for success!

  Hey everyone!!

  I hope that y'all have had an excellent Spring Break- or, if you're on it now, that you're enjoying your time off. Today I'm going to talk about one of my characteristics that has been the most beneficial to my college career: my sense of work ethic.

  I've always valued the work that I'm tasked with and have a desire to make sure I do the best I possibly can. This most often manifests at jobs I'm employed at, but it also extends to academia as well. Though I struggle with procrastination, when I sit down and do an assignment, I tend put in my all. This sense of duty has been extremely beneficial to my time in college; it helps me keep my head afloat when I feel like I'm sinking.

  But I also believe that passion plays a role in how I operate. Sometimes, I think you can really feel the love I have for the subjects I'm studying in my work or writing, even if I bemoaned the assignment or put it off.

  So my advice to you is this: find what you love. College is the perfect opportunity to explore your options if you don't know. Doing something you love will yield better results-- but not just in a capitalistic business sense. I think that following your passions may be one part of a ticket to a happier life. 

Until next time...
Evy Savoie☆ 


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