Relaxation at its finest...

I wish that was me...
Howdy everybody!
I'm going to be enjoying an extended Fall Break here beginning at 8 pm CST (when I get home from my commute). But how does a college student relax, exactly?
Honestly, despite the massive amounts of work it seems we have to do (and trust me, it's barely an exaggeration), you need some ME time here and there! Usually students return home during the break and hang out with friends and loved ones, and I'm no exception.
However, because I'm a commuter student who lives in Mississippi, I spend about 10 hours in the car every week getting to and from class. When breaks roll around, and especially ones as short as Fall Break, I'm pretty sick of driving, and I don't really want to go out! I intend to spend my break nestled in my bed and allowing myself some time to breathe.
I usually play video games or draw in my downtime to relax and get my mind off of the stress of school (and life in general). I don't anticipate my Fall Break being any different! I've had several big assignments and tests last week that bled into today, so I'm ready to sit back, relax, and turn my brain off for a little while. I'll probably watch some Halloween-themed movies... 'tis the season, after all!
Take a breather from time to time. Everything will be okay!
I hope this week treats the rest of you well, and if you're in the path of Hurricane Michael: stay safe!
Until next time...
Evy ★
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